Thursday, July 12, 2007

San Onefre Camping Jun 2007

me, Nathania, Tracy, Jayce & Lai Sum

The Footprint

The most memorable moment: Seeing the Dolphins !! Where's it?

(see the little dot on the left top corner?)

Thank you, Jayce--My Lifeguard!

Seeing the San Onefre from the cliff--

Love the different layers of blue!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Tara and Jame's Wedding

Today was the big day for Tara and James. The whole Chinese church was basically there at the wedding and the reception. Everyone look so nice! The campus hill church was beautiful because it was renovated not too long ago! Tara's gown was very nice, and James kept his smile the whole time. And Auntie Irma was so happy too! Everyone gave them the best wishes! The best thing was the food.. Yummy! and little Hayleigh was so very cute!