Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Backpacking in Mammoth, 2007

Here's the link to more pictures:

Egg Tarts

I just thought that you might wanna see a pic of the egg tarts. hehe.. this pic was taken way back in year 2005 in Lincoln, Nebraska. Me and my sister, Fiona.


Just want to share with you this recipe of egg tart. It's super easy but very delicious! We did it the other day at Kaley's house! There are only 6 ingredients!

1. low fat milk 1.5 cup
2. Eggs 3
3. Sugar 1/3 cup
4. All-purpose flour 1 1/2 cup
5. Cream Cheese 3/4 stick
6. Margarine 1 stick

And we made about 20 egg tarts.


1. Mix eggs and sugar together in a bowl
2. Mix flour, cream cheese and Margarine in another bowl until it becomes a smooth dough
3. Preheat oven at 375 degree F
4. take a little of the dough and press it across the surface of the tart molds to create the crust. Make sure the layer is even and not too thick.
5. Pour the mixture of egg into the molds and put them in oven for 25 minutes or until the egg custard balloons up or the crust golden.

That's it! So easy! Remember to share when you make it!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

San Onefre Camping Jun 2007

me, Nathania, Tracy, Jayce & Lai Sum

The Footprint

The most memorable moment: Seeing the Dolphins !! Where's it?

(see the little dot on the left top corner?)

Thank you, Jayce--My Lifeguard!

Seeing the San Onefre from the cliff--

Love the different layers of blue!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Tara and Jame's Wedding

Today was the big day for Tara and James. The whole Chinese church was basically there at the wedding and the reception. Everyone look so nice! The campus hill church was beautiful because it was renovated not too long ago! Tara's gown was very nice, and James kept his smile the whole time. And Auntie Irma was so happy too! Everyone gave them the best wishes! The best thing was the food.. Yummy! and little Hayleigh was so very cute!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Thank God that it's Over!

I really really wanted to thank God about how He has blessed all the activities that we have planned this last Sabbath!
First thing in the morning, we started our all NEW Sabbath School. I prayed and prayed when our praise team was leading us in singing. I have been praying that God will bless us who are leading out, and those who have come. And I have been praying for the Holy Spirit to come to our midst--to open our hearts and minds for God and His blessing for us. I was especially touched when Aunty Andy was asking for prayer requests from the audience, and so many of them were willing to share their needs to others--(trust me, it is so hard sometimes to share our needs or problems to others as a Chinese, we often pretend that we are ok to save our face!) I really think that the prayer section brought all of us together, united in one, under God! I am excited at this new style of Sabbath School because it brings us closer to each other! What do you guys think? Do you have any comments? or anything that we can improve on? Let me know! I really want to make Sabbath School a meaningful time for all of us!
And I have been stressed out, as some of you know, about this Gamenight thing. But God has richly blessed the program. The weather turned out very nice and clear. The never-tried-out BBQ sauce recipe turned out to be very delicious. People are very willing to help with preparation, cleaning things up and doing whatever that needed to be done. I thank you ALL! Without you, it cannot be done at all! I thank God for sending you to give me a helping hand!

Check this out--My official half marathon pictures

Monday, April 30, 2007

Chinese as a third language

Let me tell you, one of my goals this year is to practice on my Mandarin. As you know, Cantonese is my mother-tongued, and English is my second language. Frankly, as a Chinese, it's quite a shame that I am not fluent in Mandarin. But I am starting to pick up slowly. After I come to Loma Linda, I have a lot more chance to be exposed to Mandarin--mainly from the sermon and few friends in church.
Today, I got a Chinese-speaking patient. Because no one speaks Chinese but me, I got to be her nurse. I realized that I could make up a lot of the Mandarin words from Cantonese--hehe, and the patient understood me!! But a lot of times, I know what I want to say in my mind, but there are some words that I just can't pronounce it right! Anyway, I thank God for the experience. I better brush up my Mandarin before going to Hangzhou this September. Add oil!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

A nice Sabbath day!

My usual Sabbath day has been pretty busy! Coz I gotta take care of a lot of things for church! And I don't have time to spend even talking to anyone! How sad is that! Of course, sometimes I am so caught up worrying about what's next that I often missed living in the moment. For example, I would think about who I should talk to about some events after church instead of focusing on the sermon. I seriously don't think that God intended me to focus about all these little and busy things that I forgot about being in the moment at church. Too many blessings that I have let go, too many friends and visitors that I have ignored, too many opportunites to witness about Jesus but I just didn't have the time to do it! Sigh...

Well, I am glad that God has waken me earlier today so I could spend some time to read His words--which encourage and strengthen me to continue to serve the Lord and church.

At lunch, I got to spend some time socializing with my co-worker (1st time to come to our church with his wife today) and also some adult church members. Usually, when we have lunch, the young adults are always sitting with the young adults. Seldom do we sit with adults. But I enjoyed the time we had together, we have a pretty nice conversation and we got to know each other more. I should do that more often!

Then we drove up to Hacienda Heights Chinese fellowship to visit and sing two songs. It was a rewarding experience as Pastor Cho share about his testimony.

We then went to visit AA's house, and then park. Then we went to RJ ( a Asian bakery) to have desserts. I enjoyed the time there with church family outside of church. Sometimes the adults have more fun than we do. hehe..

And because Amber is leaving us soon, we hanged out with her tonight and we went to take photostickers. It was a confusing but fun experience. Confusing was that we didn't know what we were supposed to do while taking those pictures. but it was fun to just do it together!

I am blessed today because He has given me a chance to be loved and to love someone. Thanks God for pouring your blessing on me today!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A nice time to witness

Today after work, I had to buy dinner for myself because my sister went out to eat with friends. Anyway, I met Amber on the way to "Chinatown"(the local American-style Chinese fast food restaurant). I was glad to meet her because she's leaving us soon to start her new life in San Jose. So we had dinner together at one of my favorite restaurants in Loma Linda: Thai bowl. We had a very nice time. We had very nice conversation. I didn't know how this conversation came about, but suddenly I shared about how God has brought me to America and that God has a plan for me. To my surprise, she actually thought that it's cool to know that there's someone bigger than me that has the ultimate control of my life. And that was my very first time to explain to her how God has a plan for each of us, and how Jesus has died for our sin so that we will have victory over death when Jesus comes back. I really haven't shared with anyone before, and God has used me today. This must be one of the divine assignment that God has in mind for me today! I thank God for the Holy Spirit!
I am going to miss my friend when she leaves. I pray that she will know what God has planned for her, and know that she's not alone, she always have God to fall onto when she needs. I pray that everything will work out for her so she is able to go to school in May.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

My first Half Marathon (La Jolla, San Diego)

Yeah! I made it to the finish line in 2 hours and 34 minutes (for 13. 5miles)! I can't believe myself! It's crazy, but I did it!
My training was on and off, but over the last 3 weeks, I have been jogging 3 times a week. I had jogged 6miles at the most before running the half marathon. So I wasn't sure if I could finish the whole 13.5miles. Plus, MP3 is prohibited. You know, I have been training with my MP3 all the time. How can I run without my MP3? and without any company? Yeah, so I was telling everyone that I wasn't going to be able to finish it.
But when you see over 5000 people running together, there're lots of people in front of you and behind you, you got this motivation in you that you need to keep running! And I thank God that He substained me, He reminded me of all these songs in my heart. My heart was singing

Side by side we stand...
Meet me in Heaven (when i was actually thinking about the finish line!)

You are my strength when I am weak..

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength...
His strength is perfect, when our strength is gone
He will carry us when we can't carry on
Raised in His power, the weak becomes strong
His strength is perfect, His strength is perfect!

God reminded me that even though I am alone and may feel lonely, He's always there for me! Even though I don't have anyone to talk to during the race, God is the one that 's there keeping me going! Human has a lot of limitations, my friends can't be there because it's a long way from home and it's too early. Isn't it great that wherever you are, and however early it is, He's right there in your heart! Thanks, my father!

All in all, it's such a nice experience! we got nice weather and nice scenic route! I couldn't have asked for more! I will definitely do it again!

Hey friends, if I can do it, you can do it too!

Jayce--My faithful friend!!

I don't know how to thank this girl enough! She's awesome! She would go all the way out for you if you need her! Jayce, I LOVE you! Thanks for being such a faithful, and loving friend! You reminded me of what Jesus wants us to be--someone that's willing to sacrifice themselves for their brothers or sisters.